With the Holidays behind, print orders in, and work finally starting on my graphic novel again (there will be more about that when it is ready for that level of exposure) - I realized the last blog post I had made to the site was in November. What brought this to my attention was a request to be on the pre-order list, nearly a month and a half after the end of the pre-order.
If anyone is interested to stay in the loop about new printings or future projects, feel free to join the mailing list here. I can assure you, I don't like wasting time writing frivolous emails anymore than you like getting them in your inbox, so signing up won't cause you to get 5 emails a week from me about new toenail trimmings or anything of the like. I've had some requests to do more of the "Tarot of the Here and Now" blog posts, so look forward to some of those as well. Happy LATE New Year! Taylor Ellis
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